'Learn to Play' Therapy
Teaching children how to play
Learn to Play is a specific therapeutic play program for children who, for whatever reason, find it difficult to play. Whilst many children learn how to play on their own, others need the help of a Play Therapist to develop their play skills. Learn to Play teaches children how to play and helps children to develop complex play skills that are the basis for other important life skills like problem solving, flexible thinking and collaboration.
During Learn to Play sessions, the Play Therapist will direct pre-arranged play activities to help children develop and scaffold their play skills. The play activities selected by the child’s Play Therapist will increase in complexity as the therapeutic process continues.
When Learn to Play sessions start, the Play Therapist leads the sessions. As Learn to Play sessions progress, the child will start to take over the play and the Play Therapist will support the child to take the lead.
Some children may need to do Learn to Play sessions to develop their play skills before starting One-on-One Play Therapy sessions in order to have the skills they need to play out their feelings and life experiences.